Are you gay? Or maybe bisexual!

Are you gay? Or maybe bisexual!
Whom do you find yourself attracted to:Via Google

Whom do you find yourself attracted to:

Predominantly individuals of the opposite gender
Predominantly individuals of the same gender
Both genders equally
Gender is irrelevant, it's the person that matters
When you think of a romantic partner, what comes to your mind?Via Google

When you think of a romantic partner, what comes to your mind?

Someone of the opposite gender
Someone of the same gender
The gender doesn't matter, the connection does
You've thought about both genders
Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same gender?Via Google

Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same gender?

Not at all
Yes, and it didn't bother you
Yes, but you pushed it away
You're confused about your feelings
Do you feel comfortable discussing LGBT issues and rights?Via Google

Do you feel comfortable discussing LGBT issues and rights?

Yes, generally as an ally
Yes, because you identify as part of the community
You're not quite sure how you fit into the conversation
You'd rather not discuss it
Do you feel the need to conform to traditional norms about whom you should be attracted to?Via Google

Do you feel the need to conform to traditional norms about whom you should be attracted to?

Yes, you're comfortable within traditional norms
No, you don't identify with heterosexual norms
You're drawn towards both the traditional and non-traditional
You simply don't agree with labelling attraction
Have you ever questioned your sexual orientation?Via Google

Have you ever questioned your sexual orientation?

No, you've never questioned it
Yes, you've questioned it and identify as non-heterosexual
Yes, you've questioned it but still unsure
You've questioned it, and you identify as fluid