Test whether your taste matches your personality?

Test whether your taste matches your personality?
When you’re feeling down, what’s most likely to cheer you up?Via Google

When you’re feeling down, what’s most likely to cheer you up?

An unexpected adventure.
A gathering with friends & family
A well-planned project or hobby to work on
A good book or music and time for introspection
What type of movie would you prefer to watch?Via Google

What type of movie would you prefer to watch?

Adventure/Action-packed film for an adrenaline rush.
Comedy to have a hearty laugh with others.
A detailed documentary or mind-bending thriller
Drama or Romance that delves into human emotions
If you had a free day with no responsibilities, how would you spend it?Via Google

If you had a free day with no responsibilities, how would you spend it?

By trying a new, exciting activity.
By inviting friends over for a day of fun & games.
Organizing your space or creating a to-do list for the next week.
Solitude - reading, meditating, or spending time in nature.
What kind of music sparks your interest the most?Via Google

What kind of music sparks your interest the most?

Something with a fast beat like EDM or Pop
Cheerful and social music genres like Dancehall or Soca.
Classical music or anything that requires a deep focus to enjoy.
Soulful genres like Blues or Jazz.
What's your favorite type of weather?Via Google

What's your favorite type of weather?

Thunderstorm - the unpredictability thrills you.
Sunshine - clear skies and warm social gatherings.
Autumn chill - a time for organization and preparation.
Cool, quiet snowfall or a cloudy day for introspection.
What is your favorite thing about yourself?Via Google

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Your spontaneity and adventurous spirit
Your comforting presence and love for community.
Your discipline and passion for structure.
Your depth and introspective nature.