Unveil Your 4Town Soulmate from 'Turning Red' by Designing Your Ideal Date!

Unveil Your 4Town Soulmate from 'Turning Red' by Designing Your Ideal Date!
How do you approach learning new music?Via Google

How do you approach learning new music?

I prefer to put on my headphones and discover new tunes.
Jamming with friends always brings out the best music.
I like to follow a musical structure or format.
Give me space and quiet, and I can tackle any musical challenge!
How do you handle a difference of opinion within your group?Via Google

How do you handle a difference of opinion within your group?

I value diversity and enjoy hearing different viewpoints.
I facilitate discussion and aim to achieve consensus.
I prefer when rules are followed, and hierarchies are respected.
If necessary, I confidently express my stance and stick to it.
What's your creative process like?Via Google

What's your creative process like?

It's inspired by my surroundings and experiences.
Brainstorming and collaboration fuel my creativity.
I adhere to a systematic process and follow it diligently.
Solitude stimulates my best ideas.
How do you deal with challenging tasks?Via Google

How do you deal with challenging tasks?

I dive in headfirst, ready for a new adventure.
I seek collaborative solutions and input from my peers.
I break down the task into manageable steps and follow the plan.
I handle challenges best in my own unique way.
What kind of performer do you consider yourself?Via Google

What kind of performer do you consider yourself?

I'm versatile and can adapt to different styles.
I excel in group performances where harmony is key.
I appreciate a set routine and choreography.
I’m a solo artist who enjoys expressing individuality.
How do you take the lead?Via Google

How do you take the lead?

I guide with flexibility, adjusting as needed.
I believe in collective decision-making for fair leadership.
I lead with an organized structure and clear instructions.
I lead independently, trusting my instincts.